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Return to Duty / Fitness for Duty Program

Return to Duty / Fitness for Duty Program

Getting employees ready to work again after an absence can be a time-consuming and difficult process for organizations to manage on their own. 1 Source has developed a comprehensive system that makes this process simple and straightforward. Our program covers all employees requiring a Return to Duty physical (due to time off for a personal reason) and Fitness for Duty Exams (as the result of a witnessed concern at the job site). In either scenario, the employee is contacted to ensure they understand their responsibilities in this process and what documentation they must produce in order for 1 Source to determine if they are able to return to work. The process is as follows:

  1. 1 Source provides the employee with documentation as to what type of release is required and what information must be present on the release.
  2. Once the release is obtained and provided to 1 Source, the clearance process begins.
  3. 1 Source’s clinical staff reviews the Return to Duty / Fitness for Duty Medical Clearance form and release from the employee’s treating clinician. Based on the clearance and an interview with the employee, one of three-tiered clearances will occur. These clearances either immediately release the employee to return to work or require a further exam and/or Physical Ability Test with a licensed clinician.
  4. Following completion and passing of all required tests and exams, all employees are free to return to work.

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